If you’re like me you enjoy the sweetness of sugar in your coffee and trying a coffee without sugar is confronting!
It’s just the way you’ve always ordered coffee, “two sugars and milk”. Before coffee became great, it was the only way you could drink coffee, and that’s what everybody ordered.
But times have changed and the quality of coffee for most people has improved dramatically. We now have access to fresh roasted coffee beans and proper coffee machines in almost every suburban cafe and a lot of homes and offices.
One way to enjoy a naturally sweet coffee is with the technique that the italians call Ristretto, that means to cut the coffee extraction process in half which results in the sweetest part of the coffee landing in your cup, and the second half of the coffee is discarded.
The next time you order a coffee give it a try, order a Ristretto if you usually enjoy an espresso, or a flat white made from a Doubleshot Ristretto If you usually enjoy milk based coffees.
Ordering ristretto will halve the amount of coffee in your cup since you are discarding the second half of the extraction, however, that first half of the extraction is the sweetest part of the coffee. So where you may have previously ordered a single shot, now you will be ordering a double shot but with the same volume as a single shot.
If you’d like to reduce the amount of sugar in your daily coffee, try ordering a ristretto with one sugar and then cut down to a ristretto with no sugars.
It’s just the way you’ve always ordered coffee, “two sugars and milk”. Before coffee became great, it was the only way you could drink coffee, and that’s what everybody ordered.
But times have changed and the quality of coffee for most people has improved dramatically. We now have access to fresh roasted coffee beans and proper coffee machines in almost every suburban cafe and a lot of homes and offices.
One way to enjoy a naturally sweet coffee is with the technique that the italians call Ristretto, that means to cut the coffee extraction process in half which results in the sweetest part of the coffee landing in your cup, and the second half of the coffee is discarded.
The next time you order a coffee give it a try, order a Ristretto if you usually enjoy an espresso, or a flat white made from a Doubleshot Ristretto If you usually enjoy milk based coffees.
Ordering ristretto will halve the amount of coffee in your cup since you are discarding the second half of the extraction, however, that first half of the extraction is the sweetest part of the coffee. So where you may have previously ordered a single shot, now you will be ordering a double shot but with the same volume as a single shot.
If you’d like to reduce the amount of sugar in your daily coffee, try ordering a ristretto with one sugar and then cut down to a ristretto with no sugars.