Making Cold Brew iced coffee at home is easy, and it’s delicious!
Start off with around 60 grams of ground coffee beans - aim for a grind that is similar to bread crumbs in consistency. I make around one litre (32 ounces) at a time, from 60grams (2 ounces) of coffee grounds, so adjust your proportions if you’re making more or less, and also consider your taste preference. There are no hard set rules here.
Add the coffee to a jug and then add cold water to the top. Give it a stir and then cover it. Since I’m using a stainless steel jug, I choose to cover it with cling wrap but you can easily use a mason jar or any kind of container with a lid.
Put your coffee in the fridge and leave it for 12-24 hours. I like to leave mine overnight usually.
Enjoy your cold brew coffee over ice, or add a touch of milk for a bit of a creamy taste.
Start off with around 60 grams of ground coffee beans - aim for a grind that is similar to bread crumbs in consistency. I make around one litre (32 ounces) at a time, from 60grams (2 ounces) of coffee grounds, so adjust your proportions if you’re making more or less, and also consider your taste preference. There are no hard set rules here.
Add the coffee to a jug and then add cold water to the top. Give it a stir and then cover it. Since I’m using a stainless steel jug, I choose to cover it with cling wrap but you can easily use a mason jar or any kind of container with a lid.
Put your coffee in the fridge and leave it for 12-24 hours. I like to leave mine overnight usually.
Enjoy your cold brew coffee over ice, or add a touch of milk for a bit of a creamy taste.