There is nothing quite like fresh brewed coffee, and you don't need an expensive coffee machine to have that freshly brewed aroma in your house.
All you need, is a plunger and some fresh roasted coffee beans - you dont even need a grinder, since you can buy your coffee beans pre-ground in the store. Simply add two table spoons of coffee to the plunger, add hot water and give it all a gentle stir. I like to then put the lid on, and then wrap the plunger in a towel, to act as an insulation, keeping your coffee hot. Allow five minutes to brew and then plunge your coffee and pour into a cup. I usually pre-warm the coffee cup with hot water from the kettle, at the same time as I pour water into the plunger.
All you need, is a plunger and some fresh roasted coffee beans - you dont even need a grinder, since you can buy your coffee beans pre-ground in the store. Simply add two table spoons of coffee to the plunger, add hot water and give it all a gentle stir. I like to then put the lid on, and then wrap the plunger in a towel, to act as an insulation, keeping your coffee hot. Allow five minutes to brew and then plunge your coffee and pour into a cup. I usually pre-warm the coffee cup with hot water from the kettle, at the same time as I pour water into the plunger.
When I make plunger coffee, the way I like to prepare it is;
1. pre heat the plunger with warm (not boiling) water. This allows the plunger to come upto tempreture and reduces the risk of fracturing with boilng watrer. its also great for improving the tempreture of the final product.
2. empty the water after a few minutes, and dry the plunger
3. add enough coffee for your needs. I use one tablespoon per 300ml of water, plus one extra. So, if your making 600ml, use three tablespoons of coffee
4. pour hot water into the plunger
5. stir the coffee to wet all the coffee grinds.
6. put the lid on, but do not plunge
7. (optional) wrap the plunger in a cloth to keep the brewing coffee warm.
8. wait 5mins, then plunge, slowly - taking around 20 seconds to plunge. Too fast and coffee grinds will seep past most filters.
9. wait 2 mins for the coffee to settle
10. pour slowly into cups
11. enjoy!